47 years ago—in 1977—Eliot Feld and former Executive Director Cora Cahan discovered 890 Broadway, a building architecturally ideal for dance studios and rehearsal space. The Eliot Feld Ballet Company had been rehearsing in a hodgepodge of rental spaces since its founding in 1974, and renting 890 Broadway meant that the company had finally found a permanent home. Swipe right to read a New York Times article from November 9, 1977 about Eliot Feld finding 890 Broadway.

Picture 1: Eliot Feld (right) and the Eliot Feld Ballet Company rehearsing. Photo by Lois Greenfield.

Pictures 2 & 3: From the NYT archive.

Picture 4: The entrance to 890 Broadway. Photo by Martha Swope.